A trial in federal court last week stemming from the overdose of a 23-year-old Raleigh man exposed the inner workings of a drug-dealing duo and their college-student clients.

The weekend of March 4, 2023, was a big one in the Triangle.
Big for thousands of students and alums because longtime basketball rivals Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were facing off. Big for crowded restaurants and bars that had the Saturday night game in UNC’s Dean Dome on their wide-screen TVs.
And big for Cye Frasier and his girlfriend, Carlisa Allen, who expected to bring in $10,000 in drug sales that weekend from their primary customer base: college students.
That weekend was the first time Josh Zinner, a former UNC-Wilmington student from Raleigh, purchased directly from Frasier and Allen, according to testimony last week in federal court. His roommate, a former UNC-Chapel Hill student and Phi Gamma Delta member, referred him to Frasier.
Due to his day job cutting hair, students knew Frasier as “The Barber.” But he was in Las Vegas that weekend, so he sent Allen to make deliveries—something she did often.
On one of her runs, she pulled up at a house in a neighborhood just east of downtown Durham to make a delivery to Zinner, 23, who was in a string-lit backyard for a watch party.
Zinner had requested two grams of cocaine from Frasier for $168, Detective Eddie Camacho of the Raleigh Police Department testified. With her partner out of town on a busy weekend, Allen was hustling.
Read the full article on the IndyWeek website.